Monday 12 August 2013


Twitter is by far one of the most popular and the “noisiest” of the social networking applications.  Twitter is a microblog – a distinctive way of communicating with consumers. and consumers, by nature, like to feel that they can easily access your business and communicate effortlessly with you.  Twitter functions as a broadcast medium.  It is an informative newsfeed and very useful for announcements and updates.  Twitter’s premise lies in its principle that, “The open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.”    

Doesn’t Twitter sound like a most effective means by which you can reach your clients?  And, what a great platform whereby to get tongues wagging about your business!  

Tweet-based marketing and customer service campaigns are two fundamental ways in which Twitter can be used to promote your business.  The essence of Twitter from a business perspective is consumer/client engagement.  Engaging clients with content-heavy tweets positions you as an industry expert!  Here are some tips to help you tweet more effectively to reach your clients:
1. Examine Twitter to Understand its Functions – No matter what you want to say on Twitter, you have to keep in mind that you only have 140 characters with which to say it.  Your messages must be brief, but informative and engaging.

2. Craft Your Messages – To point #1, given the 140 character limit, it’s important that you think about what you want to tweet before you tweet it and ensure that each tweet is relevant to as many people as possible. Remember, your tweets have to be engaging and newsworthy – no one is really going to care what you’re having for dinner!  And, try to refrain from tweeting solely about your current listings – be more imaginative.
3. Follow and Be Followed – Your aim is to reach as many clients and prospects as you can.  Yes, you want to be followed!  But, you want to be followed by people that are actually interested in what you’re tweeting.  Follow other leaders within your industry and get them to follow you.  Follow your clients and prospects and get them to follow you.  The goal here is to communicate with people you can help and those who can benefit you and your business.

4. Never Over-Tweet – You don’t want to be posting a gazillion times a day.  People are going to think you’re spamming them and that’s a terrible thing for people to think about you and your business.  Each time you tweet, you want to capture people’s attention with something meaningful and thought-provoking.

5. Add Detail to Your Profile – Ensure that you include all of your business contact information within your Twitter profile.  You are afforded the opportunity to include a short bio & a photo and from a business standpoint, it’s a good idea to provide as much detail as you can so people know with whom they are communicating and have the opportunity to take the next step and contact you.

6. Get Tweeting!! – So, now that you’re more familiar with Twitter and the concept of the Tweet, you need to get active!!  Start tweeting and eventually, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without the wonderful little microblog we all know as Twitter!

If you want some more in-depth information on Twitter and how to really use it effectively to drive business, we’d love to see you at one of our Social Networking for Business workshops.  Just click on the following link for a schedule of what’s going on in your area.

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