Wednesday, 14 March 2012


You’ve probably noticed by now that Facebook is offering a new Timeline that can replace the standard Facebook profile that we’ve all come to know and love.  In doing so, Facebook is introducing a grand overhaul for business pages that will go live for all on March 30! 
You are now offered more control with respect to the look and ambience of your business’ page.  The new page is designed to allow even easier interaction with your fans – a priceless feature for any business.  It also enables enhanced graphics, the capability to feature posts and it allows for private messaging with fans.  Better still - have you seen the size of the Cover photo???  Facebook maintains that the ideal size for your cover is 851 X 315 pixels.  It’s huge – so use the space wisely – think branding and letting people know what your business is all about.  And, you’ll still be afforded your standard, smaller profile picture (which you might want to consider re-positioning for the sake of the look of your new page if you already have an existing business page).  The profile picture is still a great way to feature your company logo!
Here are a few more reasons that the new Timeline business page is a no-brainer when it comes to the greater good of your business:
- The New ‘About’ Section Showcases the Core of Your Business – This is the section that was previously concealed within the “Info” tab (on your existing business page).  It’s now displayed prominently at the top of the page for all to see.  Ensure that it’s brief and to-the-point.  Include something that captures the essence of your business without going into too great detail.
- You Can Now Control How Content is Displayed – Now, your most relevant and important post can be pinned to the top of your page, where it can remain for up to seven days.  If you’re offering a special deal of the week or if you’ve just changed the location of your business, these are things that you want people to see first and foremost when they visit your page.   This feature also enables you to change the dates of postings in order to keep more relevant posts displayed prominently at the top of your page.  You can furthermore “Star” a post and enlarge the size of the post (so that it dominates the entire width of the page!).  How’s that for getting your message across?
- You Can Showcase Your Business’ Highlights, Milestones & Accomplishments – You’ll be able to track your company’s history and along the way, feature the business’ milestones - you’ll be afforded the opportunity to highlight your business’ events, news and accomplishments.
- The New Admin Panel makes Your Life Easier – The admin panel is where you can go to view notifications, see and respond to messages from people/clients that you might not want others to see, view your page’s activity and view your page’s stats.  This very cool feature will simplify your online business practices.
Business pages will be universally upgraded on March 30, but Facebook is offering a preview of what your page will look like.  Just click on the preview button located at the top of your existing page to have a look.  And, if you like what you see, you have the opportunity to publish the new page now rather than waiting until the end of the month!  Exciting stuff!

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