Thursday, 29 September 2011


Social media have changed the way we work, play and think.  They have veritably taken over the world!  Below are some astonishing numbers that really do drive the point home.  A recent article published in The Fiscal Times shared the following statistics:
870 million
Number of Facebook users worldwide
200 million
Number of Twitter users worldwide
230 million
Number of tweets sent per day
80 percent
Increase in Tweets since the beginning of 2011
82 percent
Members of the U.S. House of Representatives who have Twitter accounts
1 billion
Number of estimated Facebook users worldwide by 2012, according to a study by the tracking site Social Bakers
$1.6 billion
Facebook’s revenue during first half of 2011, according to Reuters, up from $1.2 for the first nine months of 2010
Nearly 30 million
Estimated number of Google+ users worldwide
85 percent
Internet users who visited a Google site in June 2011, comScore Media Metrix
Online games, including Angry Birds and Bejeweled Blitz, being offered by Google to users of its social media service as of last month in an attempt to better compete with Facebook
‘Nuff said – isn’t it time to get connected on Social Media and see what they can do for your business?  Join one of our Social Networking for Business workshops and we’ll show you how:

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