Did you know that “56% of customer tweets to companies are being ignored.”? (source: AllTwitter) That’s scary. One of the
most functional aspects of social media platforms is their ability to provide
you with insight pertaining to how your business is perceived by others. Why would anyone want to ignore that? More to the point, what’s the purpose of
putting together and maintaining a social presence for your business if you’re
not going to pay attention and use it to your advantage? And yes, that includes reading and responding
to customer comments, inquiries and most especially, complaints.
No one takes particularly well to
negative criticism and complaining. And
if you want to keep your head buried in the sand and not know what people are really thinking, then perhaps networking
your business via social platforms isn't for you! But, why not look at it this way: Every negative comment, complaint and
criticism you receive is an opportunity to glean valuable information and to
implement positive change. Feedback,
whether positive or negative, is never a bad thing.
How to Respond to Negative Comments & Criticism
Let’s identify the
different types of negative comments & deal with them accordingly:
1. If a comment is negative but polite and
offers some constructive criticism and/or suggestions as to how to remedy the
issue at hand, that’s great! Take into
serious consideration what the poster is telling you and decide if it makes
sense for your business. Respond by
thanking the poster for bringing the issue to your attention and for his
suggestions, and validate him by letting him know that you will take said
suggestions under advisement.
2. If a comment is negative and carries an irate tone and the
poster is lodging more of a complaint than criticism, again, you want to
validate his feelings. Placate him. Start by letting him know that you’re sorry
to hear of his less than satisfactory interaction with your business and that
you appreciate his forthrightness. Let
him know that you value his business and that you’ll do what’s called for to
remedy the issue. It warranted, offer
him an incentive to ensure that he remains a faithful customer (a partial
rebate, service free of charge next time, etc.). He’ll appreciate this, be satisfied and will
likely want to spread the word that yours is a wonderful company to deal
with! Customer service at its finest.
3. If a comment is negative, unconstructive, deprecating and/or
rude, things can get a little dicier.
While you want to try to keep your customers happy, you in no way have
to be subjected to rudeness and insensitivity.
You have two options in this case, and either one would be
First, you could simply delete the
comment and ignore it. Again, it’s
written nowhere that you have to put up with someone else’s bad behavior. (And, although it might be tempting, whatever
you do, don’t respond in kind by letting him know what an @$#%!@#% he is. I posted a few months back on how to NOT
respond to customer complaints.)
The other option is for you to try to
deal with this Neanderthal as you would the poster in point #2 above. Try to placate him and let him know that
you’re sorry that his dealings with your business were less than
satisfactory. You just might be able to
calm the savage beast, but often, people like that are not to be satisfied no
matter what you do. In fact, more often
than not, these people just want to get something for nothing, or simply love
to stir up trouble. Bear in mind also, that this poster could be a competitor
just trying to play hardball with you.
If, however, there is some merit to the
poster’s outrage (someone in your organization made a real blunder), it might
be worth investigating. Only you can
know and decide for sure if there might be something behind a poster’s
emotional outcry. If there is a serious
internal problem (and I’m not saying that the poster is any more justified in
being rude if that’s the case) it might be just as well that it was brought to
your attention, even if it was in such a negative manner.
The moral of the story is that it’s
never okay to ignore your customers on social media sites. If you do, you might just wind up not having
any customers to ignore!