Monday, 25 July 2011

3 Ways to Achieve Ultimate (Twitter) Satisfaction

            There is a distinct satisfaction that is achieved after successfully using all 140 characters available for a tweet. It’s a certain happiness, or even pride. Unfortunately, this is sometimes very difficult. We are all full of great ideas, thoughts and news waiting to be networked to followers, and even “lurkers”.  But, as I said, there are many obstacles that interfere with our success we have with this. Here are three methods that can be used to overcome these Twitter adversities:
         1. “All I can fit in my tweet is the URL link!” Don’t worry, there are ways around this.  Websites such as tinyurl and biturl offer services of shortening the character length of a link to give you optimum tweet length.
For example: 263 Characters ark+Blvd&city=Santa+Monica&state=CA&csz=Santa+Monica,+CA+90 405-5200&slt=34.018220&sln=-118.457158&name=&zip=90405-5200&country=us&&BFKey=&BFCat=&BFClient=&mag=6&desc=&cs=9&ne wmag=8&poititle=&poi=&ds=n
Can be shrunk down to 25 Characters!
Congratulations! Using URL shortening actually allows you to tweet!!!

2.           2. Tech Speech is GR8 4 Tweeting & SM.  Acronyms and forms of “tech speech” such as RT (Re-Tweet), b/c (because), LOL, BRB (be right back), TY (thank you) all help you to enhance your tweet, and help you say what you mean to say. Forget using words to show emotion, Twitter has created TwitterKeys to do so using symbols. Symbols such as the classic tech-smile help to display emotion with the use of only one character.
3.         3. “Dumb it down a bit”… There’s no need to use full, complete sentences.  The point is to get your idea across, not to display your Master’s in English and Practical Use of Flowery Language.  Be clear, concise and simple. Use simple words that eliminate characters.  Don’t bother repeating an idea by being redundant.  Only use relevant and significant words!

Ahhh, the satisfaction of a 140 character tweet. Although there isn’t truly a word or phrase to describe the feelings a complete tweet brings a person, it is an experience that, with proper exploitation of these methods, can be felt by anyone.  With that said, go out and give it your best.  When it happens, you’ll know what I mean. Happy, and especially, successful tweeting to all! 

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Monday, 11 July 2011

10 Tips and Steps to Creating and Maintaining a Successful Facebook “Fan Page”

Although Facebook is very popular among teens and is often used as only a social communications method, it is also used for important business-related activities.  Product branding is one of these many uses.  Facebook through its 3+ million “fan pages” has generated more than 5.3 billion fans, by having over 20 million new fans per day. Facebook gives the consumer the right to visit the page as well as the freedom to form his/her own opinion.  This is contradictory to the traditional forcing through television/radio advertisements, weekly flyers and those telemarketing phone calls that always seem to occur at the wrong time.  The power has shifted to the consumer, but the strategy hasn’t.  

So, for all business page owners, keep in mind: 

1.              1.  Make sure to open a page, and not a group or profile.  This is a mistake made by many _____businesses.  This will keep the page strictly business related, and the focus on the company.
  1. Be professional with what you post.  Do not get carried away, and do not post offensive information!
  2. Be interesting with what you post.  Nobody wants to read something that not even you are interested in. Pictures, videos and punch lines are key.
  3. Be engaging, and actively communicate with your clients through the status feature or discussions application.  Answer their questions to help them understand the business. 
  4. Show your viewers/clients what your company is! Show them what you do, and how you function as a business.
  5. Be honest in all posts and conversations. Do not jeopardize your credibility.
  6. Network and advertise your page by requesting people to “like” it. Use your email signature, homepage, other social networks and all outgoing materials to bloggers to promote your Facebook page. Let people know about it, and let the “liking” begin.  
  7. Check who is visiting your page, and play to their preferences. Use information that interests your target audience and satisfies their needs. 
  8. Give your clients incentive to visit your page by holding contests and special campaigns.
  9. Create tabs that welcome newcomers, and give all members useful, but sometimes unrelated information.
It may seem hard, but its time to let go and “turn the page”.  Let the consumer make their own decision. Oh, but as I said…there isn’t anything wrong with being strategic! 
Visit ES Computer Training at out website and various Social Media Pages: